Speaking Out

Points: Speaking Out

Silent, Empty Dodgers Stadium Sends A Resounding Message

Seeming passivity by the good people of this Country does not constitute an "endorsement" of leftist moral/cultural rot, in any of its expressions

Ladies And Gentlemen: 87 Years Later, This Advice From Fred Astaire Still Goes

https://youtu.be/AGUsRGuZb6k?t=9 Ladies And Gentlemen: 87 Years Later, This Advice From Fred Astaire Still Goes Fred Astaire spent a good part of the 1930s on the silver...
Stephen Moore

Excessive Government Spending Eroding American People’s Freedom: Stephen Moore

The Biden admin’s big spending and economic policies have caused massive inflation and a probable recession, eroding people’s freedom daily.

The Dark Parallels of China’s Cultural Revolution and Today’s America: Survivor Xi Van Fleet

Jan Jekielek sits down with Xi Van Fleet, who grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution and is the author of “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning.”
Enes Kanter Freedom Reflects on ‘Lonely’ Journey

Inspiring Young People About Human Rights More Important Than Paycheck: NBA Free Agent Enes...

Enes Kanter Freedom launched the Enes Kanter Freedom Foundation to fight for religious liberty and human rights around the world.
National Flag of the People's Republic of China and Flag of Taiwan

If You Live in Taiwan, Time to Worry

Taiwan needs to worry about American reliability. Unlike Afghanistan, where the United States had committed its forces for two decades, Taiwan has no U.S. forces and no...
Replacing Obamacare

Repeal and Replace — An Easy Replacement for Obamacare

Any health care plan must have more than a political foundation and should parallel the astounding success of the American economy rooted in our...

The Inevitable Descent Into Despotic Leftist Insanity

In his January 29, 2021 broadcast, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson showcased the paranoid behavior of leftist Democrats from the Congress, to the White...
We The People Speaking

Systemic Racism, Critical Race Theory And Campaign Home Room

Background: There has been systemic racism, at least on a regional level, in the United States. A nation that tolerates slavery is undeniably racists. 1865/post-Civil...
Rand Paul on Inflation Tax

Inflation and the Price of Goods: What to Buy Now and What to Avoid

It may seem that everywhere you turn, costs are going up. Earlier this year, Chipotle raised its menu prices by about 4 percent. Food...

Groundhog Day: Biden v. Trump 2024

After the fourth Republican Presidential debate with only five Republican Presidential candidates competing for the nomination, the 2024 Presidential election cycle is in full...

Forbid Your Children to Have TikTok Now!

Unless you would like the People’s Republic of China to rule the world, do not allow your children to have TikTok. Take away their cellphones and computers if necessary.