Animals Fight When Cornered and so will the Democrats

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Animals in the wild avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary to protect their young or to secure a meal but there is another reason animals fight – when cornered. Democrats are about to be corned by election and voter fraud leading to desperate measures.

Discussions of the 2020 Presidential Election have been thick with various types of election and voter fraud occurring in many states. Recent polling indicates a vast majority of Republicans feel fraud played a role in the election. Additionally, thirty percent of independents agree and even some Democrats. These concerns will likely rise on January 6th when more of the American electorate are exposed to up to twenty-four hours of debate and evidence into election fraud. Meanwhile left-wing media continues to deny any fraud while simultaneously refusing to investigate the claims. The strategy on the left seems to be deny, ridicule, deflect, deny, deny, deny – the issue with this strategy is that history is undefeated. Eventually the truth will be written, and it may come soon.

Along with the discussions of fraud comes the natural segue of concerns; what will the Democrats do with their newfound power of controlling the House, Senate, and Presidency if both Georgia seats flip and nothing comes of the challenges to the Presidential results? The most common discussions remain around packing the Supreme Court, adding Puerto Rico and Washington DC as states to gain four senate seats in perpetuity. Concerns continue related to lowering the voting age, giving citizenship, and voting rights to illegal aliens as well as inmates while passing legislation to formally legalize universal mail-in voting and continue to loosen voter ID laws.

These are certainly terrifying propositions, so as expected many centrist Democrats along with their allies in the media assure the public these are Republican talking points being used to win the Georgia runoff and to fund raise and not to buy into the fear. Meanwhile, conveniently Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have yet to go on record. In a normal election cycle, the argument could be made a lot of this is hyperbole, only said by Democrats when needing to secure the far edges of the party and used by Republicans to secure the base and drive voters to the polls. But this is certainly not a normal election cycle. The hope is Democrats would take power and swing back to the middle, acting reasonably knowing the vast majority of the country would not palate these destructive changes. The challenge is, the Democrats will be left with no choice but to be unreasonable. The main talking point this week is if the “steal” is not stopped it will embolden cheating in the future and the United States will never, at least not in the near future have a fair election. But that is not what the country should be worried about – the point of concern should be cornering the Democrats with the fraud.

Imagine the Senate seats flip in Georgia, Joe Biden is sworn in January 20th and greeted by the Special Counsel assigned to investigate the voter and election fraud. At this point the ability to deny, ridicule and hope all the fraud would be forgotten quickly ends and the animal is pushed back into the corner a few steps. With the inevitable clarity of history, a looming election fraud report, possible prosecutions, and the biggest black eye any political party has ever taken on the horizon even the most reasonable Democrat would be in survival mode and willing to consider drastic measures to survive. The Democrats would be left with no choice but to blow up the system and pass a domino of legislation creating a completely new landscape ensuring even when found out as thieves of the 2020 election they will maintain power. So, when evaluating the concerns of the results of the 2020 election, change focus from the precedent of fraud or the possibility of a radical agenda and realize a cornered Democrat will do whatever is needed to survive and radical does not come close to describing the severity.

By M.J. Alto

Biden Doesn't Have Americans Best Interest At Heart