Moms for America Endorses ‘Proven Leader’ Trump for 2024 Presidency

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The group pointed to the Trump administration’s crackdown on left-wing policies in schools, tax cuts, and inflation measures as reasons for the endorsement.

Conservative family advocacy Moms for America announced support for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, citing the need for “leaders who are not afraid to fight for what’s right.”

“We are in the midst of a cultural crisis, and the American family has never been at greater risk. Our God-given rights are under attack, and our children are being taught to disdain the very values that have always made America the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth,” Kimberly Fletcher, the president of Moms for America, said in a Nov. 28 announcement.

“What we need most right now are leaders who will protect our nation and the United States Constitution, defend the family, and stand for truth and common sense, even when it isn’t popular to do so. We need leaders who are not afraid to fight for what’s right and who will put America first.”

“That is why Moms for America Action is endorsing Donald Trump for President.”

Moms for America listed the following steps President Trump had taken during his presidency for the betterment of the country:

  • In his first week, President Trump took action to protect American children in schools “by rescinding Barack Obama’s dangerous bathroom policy that allowed boys to use girls’ bathrooms.”
  • He kept his 2016 “campaign promise” to stop Common Core academic standards and blocked efforts to nationalize the K-12 curriculum.
  • “President Trump also took executive action to keep critical race theory out of the federal government, and he opposed left-wing efforts to radicalize civics education.”
  • He established the 1776 Commission, which published a report calling for a “renewed commitment to our country’s founding principles of liberty and equality and genuine appreciation for our country’s heroes as the only true path for us as a people to unify.”
  • In his first year, President Trump cut taxes and regulations to ease the burden on hard-working Americans.
  • Under his presidency, mothers “were not forced to choose between a gallon of milk and a gallon of gas because his policies made both affordable.” He instituted policies that enabled the United States to achieve “true energy independence” for the first time in half a century.
  • “President Trump has also been a dependable ally of the courageous men and women in law enforcement and worked tirelessly to keep crime off our streets and our families out of harm’s way.”
  • The Trump administration took a “bold stand” on the border crisis, taking “decisive action” to secure the southern border while refusing to ignore threats posed by sex trafficking and the fentanyl crisis. “That is the kind of committed leadership we need now more than ever.”
  • He was the first sitting president ever to attend the March for Life, an annual pro-life rally against abortion.

“In all these ways, President Trump is a warrior, both for American Moms and for the American Dream, and he will continue to be as the 47th President of the United States,” Ms. Fletcher said.

“He is a proven leader who has already demonstrated that he will stand up for freedom and fight for American values, even as he is viciously attacked for doing so.”

By Naveen Athrappully

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