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Opinion on TheThinkingConservative.com is content that makes you think and question what you know about conservatism, democracy, freedom, rights, and politics.

Travelling Back in Time to the Days of Roundheads and Cavaliers

These days many Americans tend to prefer a “refined” or “sophisticated” leader rather than someone who is isn't afraid to tell the people the...

Why Is U.S. Workplace Participation Declining—and Fertility Rates Falling Since 2008 Crash?

Article highlighting and explores Eberstadt’s research, analysis and judgement on U.S. workplace participation and declining and fertility since 2008 crash?

‘Speed of Science’ — A Scandal Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare

Pfizer never tested whether their jab would prevent transmission because they had to “move at the speed of science to understand what is happening in the market."
Kari Lake

Here is What Republicans Must Do More Of

Republicans have failed to prosecute case against voting for Democrat policies or to effectively communicate their case on why its best to to vote Republican.
Los Angeles Port

Chart of the Day: That’s One Way to Fix Supply Chains – Stop Buying...

The reasons for supply chains clearing backlogs are not because they have fixed supply chain issues but because there is simply less product being shipped.
Real Time With Bill Maher

Bill Maher: Truths About Post-Pandemic Collateral Damage

We're now learning just how bad the "collateral damage" is post-pandemic. ~ Bill Maher on Twitter
Rebecca Walser on Climate Globalists

Where Are Climate Globalists Taking The World

Rebecca Walser talks about Agenda 2030, pushed to 2023, and how the World Economic Forum and U.N. have partnered to reduce population by pushing a climate crisis.
Dying Doesn't Scare Me

Truth Be Told Podcast: “Blessed Are The Children” October 22, 2022

The “Blessed Are The Children” episode topics include the censorship of COVID-19 information, vaccines and transmission, survival rates, COVID-19 and children.
Drag Queen Ideology Aligns with the Bible?

Sunday Thoughts: Has God Gone Woke?

United Methodist Church hosted a session where children were told drag queen ideology aligns with the Bible, a blasphemous perversion of Christian principles.

The conservative project has failed, and conservatives need to forge a new political identity...

Given the state of America in 2022, conservatives should stop calling themselves conservatives. Why? Because the conservative project has largely failed.
Collecting Taxes

Chart of the Day: Record Tax Collections and Debt – The Government Only Grows...

One of the hallmarks of conservative ideology is “smaller” government. With burgeoning budget deficits and the astronomical rise in the national debt, tax collections...
Bye, Bye Liz Chaney

A Thank You Note To “Representative” Liz Cheney

On behalf of genuine Conservatives, I thank you, Liz Cheney, for accomplishing something impossible for us in recent decades, totally unmasking RINO traitors.