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Coercion and COVID-19

Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance and COVID-19

Biderman Report created by Dr. Alfred D. Biderman M.A., or to give it the full citation: Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance. Presented...
Cambridge United Football Club

Cambridge United Football Club bans Non-Woke fans and demands re-education before re-entry

Cambridge United Football Club can confirm it has taken action with respect to a very small number of fans after the Colchester United game...
Recall Gavin Newsom

Recall Gavin Newsom 2020

Go to recallgavin2020.com for the latest information on the Gavin Newsom Recall effort and to print petitions. We only have until March 10, 2021 to make...
The Heartland Institute

Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: Likely Voters Hate Socialism

Heartland/Rasmussen Poll finds that a vast majority of likely voters prefer a free-market economic system over a socialist economic system.
Secular Democrats of America PAC

The Battle for Religious Freedom Through the Eyes of The Secular Democrats of America

The newest edition of the movement to transform the United States into something it never was intended to be comes in the form of...
The Dalton School

Breaking: The Dalton School Is in a Full Meltdown

The Dalton School, one of the most prestigious private schools in Manhattan, is in the throes of a full-on racial meltdown. The precursor of this,...
President Trump Versus Saul Alinsky

President Trump Versus Saul Alinsky

The vile strategy of the Saul Alinsky radical left is to build its case on bogus premises, presented as the pinnacle of virtue and worthiness.

Bribing Hillary Clinton

BREAKING: Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com, claims that he was complicit in facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton in the amount of $18M...
VP Joe Biden meeting Ukraine Legistators

This is what will happen if ‘Greatest Voter Fraud Operation Ever Biden’ becomes POTUS

With Biden, US will continue down path of an oligarchy. Rich will get richer, poor will get poorer, middle class will continue to disappear.
U.S. Supreme Court

Non-Adjudication Is Not an Option

The Supreme Court’s refusal Friday—purely on standing grounds—marks the latest in a long line of courts, all of whom have refused to hear the evidence...
Colin Kaepernick wearing pig socks

Ben & Jerry’s Partners with Colin Kaepernick

Ben & Jerry's has honored Colin Kaepernick with a new ice cream flavor. Colin Kaepernick is the individual who wore sox with images of...

When Reality Wears A Mask

“Excellent codes of law, a fair system of taxation, a better economic situation, more intellectual and religious toleration” – these are the words of...