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Opinion on TheThinkingConservative.com is content that makes you think and question what you know about conservatism, democracy, freedom, rights, and politics.

Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America for 30 Years

Hamas massacred 1,400 men, women and children in Israel, and FBI Dir. Chris Wray warned terror group and allies could attack Americans here on our own soil.

Nikki Haley: US corporations need to shed their China hypocrisy, practice what they preach...

Communist China’s horrible record is on full display Everyone knows the saying, "Actions speak louder than words." We were all taught it as children, and we’ve all taught...

How Mass Tech Surveillance Could Turn Us All Into Britney Spears

We are digitally tagged, tracked, and fed into the algorithmic mill, and its only for the moment that we have a choice about being surveilled.
Twitter and the CCP

The Hypocrisy of Twitter

Peter Navarro tweeted, "Hypocrisy of Twitter evident in their allowing this post to go without comment on its platform. Note to CCP-enabler Twitter: If...
Dr. Gad Saad on War Room

Recent Explosion Of Parasitic Minds

Host Steve Bannon has a fascinating conversation with Gad Saad, the author of “The Parasitic Mind,” which explores the modern phenomenon of human cultures...
Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson: Not your parents’ revolution — how today’s anarchists differ from 60s...

In the 1960s and early ‘70s, the United States was convulsed by massive protests calling for radical changes in the country’s attitudes on race,...

Journalism Is Riddled With Bias, Errors, Narrative Setting and Pack Reporting

Key Takeaways Barely a day passes anymore without one or more major corporate news outlets exposing their liberal bias.What it really amounts to is the...
House Sales in American

Chart of the Day: Housing Hit Bottom? Realtors Seem to Think So

Sales of all types of previously owned houses, condos, and co-ops in the U.S. plunged by 7.7% in November from October, the 10th month in a row of declines.
FOX Business

Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or...

A petition circulating in the Harvard University student body seeks to ban Trump administration officials from teaching, speaking, or attending the institution because of their association with the president. The...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her Capitol Hill office.

What Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. told NPR about a National Conversation . . .

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y tells NPR that when it comes to the Green New Deal she would rather pass the nonbinding resolution than have...

Politics 101

The new Democratic party is a direct reflection of Barack Hussain Obama, as the new Republican party is one of Donald J. Trump; albeit still in transition.

How the Border Became the Disaster It Is, and How Biden Wants to Make...

The chaotic humanitarian and national-security disaster at the Southwest border did not happen overnight and Biden has made it much worse.