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Quarantine Area

My Fight Against the Quarantine: The Backstory

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and her DOH snuck through the “Isolation & Quarantine Procedures” regulation right under the noses of 19 million-plus New Yorkers. 
Laken Riley

PolitiFact Covers Up Biden’s Role in the Murder of Laken Riley

Biden has vast powers to decide who is allowed into the U.S., and person charged with Laken Riley's murder was let in as a direct consequence of Biden’s actions.
Homelessness in U.S. reaches a record high, federal report finds

Can homelessness become a focus issue in an election year?

Instead of waiting for a federal solution to homelessness, some states are working on their own to alleviate the homelessness problem.
Violent crime in Germany reaches 15-year high, according to new police report | DW News

Report: Migrants in Germany Went on Record-Breaking 2023 Crime Spree

Reclassify all the migrants as Germans, that’s one way to solve the migrant crimewave problem — the Diverse™, and Equitable™, and Inclusive™ way.
‘Quality over quantity’: Biden deputy campaign manager says Biden will shorten his speeches

Brandon Entity Handlers Shorten Campaign Speeches Animal Farm-Style, Cite ‘Quality Over Quantity’

Biden's “shorter speeches to compensate for dementia” campaign strategy isn't new; they did the same thing in 2020 from his Delaware basement, for "COVID" safety.

Release The JFK Documents Petition

The 1992 Kennedy Records Assassination Act mandated the release of all records related to the JFK assassination by 2017. Trump refused to do it....

Why Modern Presidential ‘Debates’ Have Lost All Relevance

An open debate forum seems like the "right thing to do." Yet an intellectually honest appraisal of debates of recent decades starkly proves exactly the opposite.
Lincoln Park vehicles targeted by antisemitic flyers with outlandish claims about Jews

Today’s Antisemitism: Liberal Jews Face Harsh Reality

“After Oct 7 terrorist attack, American Jews stomached the shock of Hamas’s brutality, and the shock of their putative political allies’ support for the brutes.

Americans Are Tired Of Changing Their Clocks

Either standard or daylight-saving time should be made permanent because interrupting our sleep schedules is both unnecessary and harmful to our health.

Shattering The Leftist Democrat Government Shutdown Narrative

Conservatives are reeling as Speaker Mike Johnson is rolling over for the Democrats and their latest bloated and dangerously misallocated spending scam.
Adobe Firefly Generated Image of Fists in the Air

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

Forces that set the COVID lockdowns in motion were a willing complicity from tech, media, pharma, and the administrative state at all levels of society.
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg

Alvin Bragg’s Whirlwind

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg may be thinking an indictment of Donald Trump would land him in the history books. It very well may, just not in the way the left hopes.