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Opinion on TheThinkingConservative.com is content that makes you think and question what you know about conservatism, democracy, freedom, rights, and politics.

Why Google Poses a Serious Threat to Democracy, and How to End That Threat

Testimony by Robert Epstein, Ph.D. (re@aibrt.org)Senior Research Psychologist, American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology Before the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the...

RINO Wyoming Governor Gordon Shows His True Colors

In typical fashion for a RINO, Wyoming's "Republican" governor Mark Gordon did a complete about face (as he is prone to do) last week...

Beware the Quotation Marks

Economics should attempt to reconcile economic efficiency, social justice, and individual liberty, without sacrificing one for the other.
American and CCP Flags

The Great China-American Abyss

What if American companies ignored Chinese copyrights and patents, and stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property, as they pleased and with impunity?

‘The Five’ reacts to CNN panel mocking Trump supporters

Trump hits back after ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson mocks the 'credulous boomer rube demo' that supports the president; reaction on 'The Five.'

Thomas Jefferson’s Famous “Contradiction”

Did Thomas Jefferson’s live a contradictory life? He wrote the Declaration of Independence, yet he was also a slaveholder. Did he contradict himself?

The Tech Tyrants Crossed a Line – The Dan Bongino Show®

In this episode, Dan Bongino discusses the latest bombshell emails in the Hunter Biden case. If these emails are authenticated then Joe Biden must...
14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Dobbs, Natural Law, and the Original Intent of the 14th Amendment

14th Amendment gives federal government the authority to ensure states respect and protect individual rights recognized by Declaration of Independence.
World Health Organization

Why the WHO Pandemic Treaty Is a Horrible Deal

FBI Dir. Wray acknowledged that COVID-19 may have “leaked” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and there “may” have been some cover-up involved from the CCP.
Peter McCullough at Defeat Mandates March

COVID-19 Can Be Stopped Without Massive Vaccination: Dr. Peter McCullough

COVID-19 can be stopped without massive vaccination, renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough told NTD’s “Capitol Report” program during the “Defeat the Mandates” march...
Lou Dobbs Tonight

Jim Jordan: ‘Why is it always conservatives’ getting censored on social media?

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, tells FOX Business’ Lou Dobbs that he ‘hopes’ John Durham can complete his investigation by this summer and they discuss...

Consumers Are Rejecting the Great Reset

A friend got a rental of a Tesla over the holidays. It’s undoubtedly the industry standard for EVs and a complete blast to drive....