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Opinion on TheThinkingConservative.com is content that makes you think and question what you know about conservatism, democracy, freedom, rights, and politics.


Continued Lies About Gene Therapy Jab

mRNA shots contain novel technologies and should be subject to more controls than conventional vaccines. They aren’t. They’re not covered by any regulations.

Confronting The Societal Madness of Mob “Virtue”

Telling the truth about virtually anything, including the actual gender of an individual as a result of genetics, is becoming increasingly taboo.

Profiles In Weakness

If political flip-flopping were an Olympic event, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro would be a gold medalist. Shapiro pontificated, “I believe every child of God deserves...

China Prepares for War: A Timeline

Hudson Institute's China Center gave a presentation by Kyle Bass on Xi Jinping’s preparation for war. Miles Yu introduced event, and Hon. Amb. Paula Dobriansky moderated Q&A.

Reckoning With Black Lives Matter

The founders of BLM were hard-boiled Marxists who had been waiting in the wings to revolutionize America for years prior to 2013.
Burnt 100 Dollar Bills

‘Bidenomics’ equals stagflation, bleak American future

'Let them eat cake' is irresponsible economic policy OPINION: “Bidenomics” equals stagflation. That’s America’s sober economic reality after more than 2½ years of the Biden presidency,...

Musk: It’s ‘Time for Parents to Fight Back’ Against Gender Ideology

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is once again speaking out against transgender politics, calling upon parents to “fight back” and protect their children from the ideology.
Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti Header

Ashmedai Substack: Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti

Alternative analysis of currently prominent (mostly) scientific public policy topics. Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti is brought to you on Substack by Ashmedai (Aaron Hertz). There’s...

Tucker Carlson Weighs In on Trump’s Political Career

Tucker Carlson weighed in on the impact of Trump’s political career. He believes it will be seen as one of the most meaningful occurrences in politics of our time.

World War III Will Be Fought With Viruses

Conventional guns, bombs, missiles or troops may not figure in World War III at all. Biological and computer viruses are likely to be the weapon of choice.
Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox!

Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox!

Tucker Carlson joins Russell Brand for Tucker's first interview since leaving Fox News. They discuss world leaders, Ukraine, alternative media, Fox News and more!
Declaration of Independence

The Founders’ Vision for American Independence

Founding Fathers used the term “independence" for national independence and to recognize and promote political and economic independence of the American people.