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Opinion on TheThinkingConservative.com is content that makes you think and question what you know about conservatism, democracy, freedom, rights, and politics.

Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness?

Britain slept in the 1930s as an inevitable war with Hitler loomed. A lonely Winston Churchill had only a few courageous partners to oppose the...

The Stolen 2020 Election Continues to Mock America!

The most important issue of the day, the mention of which causes Party insiders to scamper for the tall grass, is the stolen Presidential Election of 2020.

‘TikTok Influencers Made Me Think I Was Transgender—Now I’m De-Transitioning,’ Says Montana Teen Girl

Ash Eskridge started transitioning to male at 13. She was depressed at 12 and was influenced by “social media influencers” who made her think she was transgender.
Dr. Zheng Zhi

‘He Was Alive’: Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs in Back of Van

Dr. Zheng Zhi didn't know he was party to an industrialized killing apparatus set up to extract organs from prisoners of conscience and sell them on demand.
Gothic Architecture

Why Do These People Hate Freedom?

Two years ago in an interview with European podcast, the host asked what one word I would suggest to sum up agenda to reform policies in Europe. The answer: freedom.

R.I.P. Rule of Law, How Bad Can It Get?

Corruption in the Biden administration is destroying the Rule of Law. Since DOJ will not prosecute its criminal activity, the nation is becoming lawless.

How Liberal Elites Destroyed Liberalism

New York Times' David Brooks, has shown a bit more comprehension than the usual op-ed propagandist in his op-ed entitled “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?”

Global Warming Debate

Prospects pushing the planet toward wind and solar energy would actually cause more harm to the environment than good. Birds and whales - beware of wind power!
Exploding Bill of Rights

Latest Phony Indictment Proves 2020 Election Was Stolen

Leftists can be seen as an imminent danger to the American ideal and RINO enablers prove to be dupes and lackeys who ultimately do the bidding of the enemy.
The Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Latest Trump Indictment

This May Be the Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Latest...

Obvious purpose of Trump’s third indictment is to codify the “disinformation” scam into criminal law and to criminalize what we might call “election denial”.

‘Abuse of Soft Power’: Hunter Biden Associate Tells Tucker Carlson of Hearing Vice President...

Everyone in Washington understands that advisory and consulting positions generally mean selling access, Devon Archer told Tucker Carlson in latest episode on X.

Basement Econ 101

Bidenomics is stimulus spending resulting in inflated prices, slow economic growth, increased credit card debt, rising interest rates, burdensome regulation, dwindling wages, runaway government spending, borrowing, and money printing.