Securing America – Col. Derek Harvey explains the various ways China has infiltrated the U.S.

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COL. DEREK HARVEY (RET.), Former Director for Investigations and Senior Advisor to the Ranking Member, House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee

  • Assessing the current conflict between the United States and CCP
  • How is the U.S. aiding in enhancing China’s military?
  • What is Sequoia Capital?
  • Sequoia Capital’s connection to the Chinese Communist Party
  • Is there a decrease in patriotism taking place within the U.S. government?

Securing America with Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.) | Assessing the current conflict between the United States and CCP

Securing America with Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.) | How is the U.S. aiding in enhancing China’s military?

Securing America with Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.) | What is Sequoia Capital?

Securing America with Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.) | Sequoia Capital’s connection to the Chinese Communist Party

Securing America with Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.) | Is there a decrease in patriotism taking place within the U.S. government?

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Securing America with Frank Gaffney on Securing America TV is an owner’s manual for protecting America, the country we love. Mr. Gaffney helps you assess the risks for America, recognize its enemies, and figure out what can be done about them.

Watch Securing America live every weeknight at 11pm EST on Real America’s Voice. Watch past shows on the Securing America website. Audio versions of each episode are also available.

Frank Gaffney brings to his role as host a wealth of experience as a national security practitioner, including acting as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President Ronald Reagan, as well as extensive experience in the broadcast media.

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