Trump Beats Biden in Multiple Polls, Leading in Seven Swing States

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Former President Donald Trump’s hidden supporters are becoming more vocal in the polls, boosting his performance, an expert said.

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Biden in the polls for the November elections, with Republicans maintaining their lead even with the addition of third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A May 15-19 Harvard/Harris poll showed that if the 2024 election were held now, President Trump would gain 47 percent of the votes, nine percentage points more than Biden’s 36 percent. With RFK Jr. in the mix, the lead narrows to eight percent. Another poll by Echelon Insights showed President Trump topping the race with 49 percent support, a three percentage point lead over President Biden. When RFK Jr. is added to the race, the GOP candidate’s lead expands to five percent.

A poll from Rasmussen Reports published earlier this month showed that in a three-way contest between President Trump, President Biden, and RFK Jr., the former president gets the backing of 46 percent of likely U.S. voters. This is a 10 percentage point lead over President Biden with only 36 percent support.

A May 20 Morning Consult poll showed President Trump and President Biden in a neck-to-neck race in the elections. “Trump leads Biden by 1 percentage point in our latest tracking, 44 percent to 43 percent,” according to Morning Consult.

“The race remains closer than before Super Tuesday when Trump consistently led. Trump performs slightly better with Republicans and his own 2020 backers than Biden does with Democrats and his 2020 supporters.”

The poll also found President Biden maintaining a “popularity edge” over his challenger. “This is the third successive week in which Biden’s net favorability rating has bettered Trump’s—the longest such stretch since April 2023.”

The latest bets at Polymarket as to who will win the 2024 presidential race have 55 percent of people putting their money on President Trump to secure his second term, a 14 percentage point lead over President Biden with 39 percent backing.

This is President Trump’s “greatest lead” over his challenger since March 10, InterativePolls said in a post on the social media platform X.

By Naveen Athrappully

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