Victoria Spartz: We should get our act together and start legislating for the people!

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During a House of Representatives Judiciary Markup Hearing, Victoria Spartz tells it like it is, stating that we [Congress] should get our act together and start legislating for the people!

Thank you Mr. Chairman.

I was listening to this debate and I have some things I agree with the other side that Congress is not doing his job. Over 90% of our spending is not authorized by Congress, which is our primary duty, to authorize spending, and when they’re doing our job. So maybe if we have to really spend more time looking at what’s happening, you know, maybe we’ll start actually doing the important job for the American people. And, as a matter of fact, the House majority did pass legislation related to debt ceiling and it’s right now the Senate majority that is not passing their bill and I think they need to be held accountable because we did pass legislation and Chuck Schumer has to be accountable. Where is his bill? And that’s a question should be asked, you know.

And then, if you think about it, you know, the administrative state grew so much, you know, and it has the power to the right laws, and now adjudicate laws that even justice Elena Kagan, in her recent opinion, which is a Justice appointed but President Obama. She wrote about, and she was referring to FTC, that “FTC knows a good deal about competition policy, but nothing special about the separation of powers.”

And I think we have to really start thinking about it. Who are the real representatives and what we allowed to do, you know, to the other branch to write laws on our halfway, where people don’t have an ability to get rid of the people or even have an input, you know, that maybe not represented their opinion.

And we’re not expert on every issues here, but ultimately, if we need to have experts, we can bring, the agency can bring, you know, regulation to us, the proposed rules and they can you know talk about that. But we also need to hear from real people on the ground because we’re not legislating for them. They are the executive branch to execute the policy that American people want. And if people don’t want the policy, the only way they can voice their opinion is through us, through our branch. And if we are not doing our job, people become, very, you know, powerless. And if we can see from the growth of the government, the power of the people decreases, and large corporations getting richer and richer, And now we have oligopolies and oligarchs controlling almost every sector of our economy. And this is very dangerous, what we’re having. Because we’re turning into the country where all of the power sits in Washington DC and our founding fathers were very afraid of that. So I think we should get our act together and start legislating for the people!

So I think it’s a good legislation. It’s a good step forward, but I think we need to do even more. Because, if we are not going to be doing our job here then we should really not be elected to this position. We should just stay home and not waste taxpayers money, coming here and just doing like talking heads, doing presentations. We’re here to legislate on behalf of the people, and people have such a frustration. We actually have a lower approval rating than president does, okay. We can complain about Biden. Congress has a very high disapproval rating in the rightly so. I hope people will pay attention to what’s happening here, and I think we need to support legislation like that, and support this amendment, and support this bill and I will yield my time to the gentle lady from Wyoming.

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