What Will You Do For Freedom?

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” The right don’t love freedom as much as the communists hate freedom.”

Recently conservative talk radio show host, Jesse Kelly had some profound insight while chatting it up on Tim Pool’s podcast.

” The right don’t love freedom as much as the communists hate freedom.”

I happen to be one, who is acutely frustrated over the lack of pushback from those in my ideological foxhole. All I see is apathy by the majority and fear. It is as if Americans are waiting to stand up after they have no legal or constitutional rights to do so. If something drastic does not change the course our Republic is on – we will no longer have the freedom to redress our government. So I agree with Kelly’s sentiments.

Take a listen to the exchange and let us know in the comment section if you agree.

Jesse Kelly Explains Why Anheuser-Busch “Will Be Fine” Despite Conservatives’ Boycott of Bud Light –  see here.

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