Look Ahead America

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

There are millions of rural and blue-collar patriotic Americans who are disaffected and disenfranchised from the nation’s corridors of power. Their fears ignored, their priorities dismissed, their values ridiculed, they’ve become cynical and pessimistic about a government that so often does not hear their voices.

The mission of Look Ahead America is to register, educate, and enfranchise these disaffected citizens and ensure that their voices are not just heard but heeded and that the American Dream becomes their dream again.

We will also organize and guide patriotic citizens in lobbying their state legislatures and local governments on America First initiatives like fighting corporate censorship and ensuring voter integrity.

You can join our effort by donating, volunteering, and spreading the word about our daunting but necessary endeavor. Click below to learn more about our objectives.

Look Ahead America is an America First nonprofit dedicated to standing up for patriotic Americans who have been forgotten by our government. We aren’t just talk; we’re action. That action means deploying our R.E.T. (Register, Educate, Turnout to Vote) field programs across the country. It means leading Patriot Actions and training citizens to lobby their state and local governments for America First causes. And it means ensuring voter integrity by investigating cases of illegal ballots and advocating for election reform to prevent them from being cast in the first place.

Patriot Projects

Learn more about current Look Ahead America Projects currently underway on the Projects.


View searchable, sortable, downloadable J6 arrestee database by visiting https://lookaheadamerica.org/J6

R.E.T.: Register, Educate, Enfranchise

We’ve identified millions of adults in each state who are not registered to vote or rarely vote. We will use our latest modeling techniques to identify these disaffected Americans and get them reengaged in civic life.

Through local field offices led by professional staff and supported by volunteers, we will engage these Americans through door knocking, event tabling, direct mail, telephone, and digital outreach.

We will reach out to them with issue education, including events, digital and direct mail voter guides, email newsletters,and door-to-door canvassing. As elections approach, we will encourage them to vote early or by absentee ballot and remind them of their election day polling locations and hours.

Consistent with laws governing 501(c)(3) organizations, our targeting is not based on political party affiliation or to benefit any particular candidate.

You can read more about R.E.T. here.

We will train and provide guidance and organization to citizens to lobby their state legislatures and local governments on America First initiatives.

The Voter Integrity Project

The Voter Integrity Project started by Matt Braynard in the aftermath of the 2020 Election will continue to live here as we continue to investigate illegal ballots cast in 2020 and fight for reform to ensure honest elections.

Look Ahead Action Network: Fighting Corporate Censorship By Establishing Free Speech States

While private corporations are free to regulate the speech that occurs on their platforms and choose who they will or will not hire or transact business with, they are not entitled to enrich themselves with tax dollars paid by the same people whom they are denying the exercise of Constitutionally-protected speech, political activity, and gainful employment.


Our non-partisan, non-profit organization was created by over thirty former Trump for President campaign staffers motivated by President Trump’s first inaugural address: “Through loyalty to our country, we will rediscover loyalty to each other.”

Our team’s capabilities in field organizing, data and digital analytics, psychographics, and messaging are an unmatched arsenal that we will deploy on behalf of our objectives.

Matt Braynard, Executive Director

Matt Braynard is the former Director of Data and Strategy for the Trump campaign. He drafted and executed the strategy of targeting low-propensity voters who had a high affinity for President Trump. He is the president of Braynard Group, a political and digital strategy firm. He has worked for over one hundred federal, state and municipal candidates, and many national advocacy organizations and non-profits. He previously worked on messaging and survey research for Frank Luntz, was a senior redistricting and election administration analyst at Election Data Services, and served for three election cycles in the Republican National Committee’s Political Analysis department. Prior to joining the RNC in 1996, Matt was a field coordinator for Buchanan for President.
After the 2020 General Election, Matt founded and led the Voter Integrity Project to discover illegal ballots and other election anomalies.

Witold Chrabaszcz, Strategy Director

Witold Chrabaszcz has two decades of political data experience, most recently serving as Director of the Data Division for the Trump campaign, where he was responsible for overall data strategy. Previously, Chrabaszcz worked on targeting, fundraising, and Census projects at Republican National Committee’s Strategy Division.

Board of Advisers

The Board of Advisers is comprised of nearly forty former Trump for President Campaign staffers and serves as a bullpen for field staff, consultants, and organizational leadership.

Contact Information

722 12th Street NW
Suite 538
Washington DC 20005
United States of America

Phone: (202) 670-5553
Fax: 202.280.1446
Website: https://lookaheadamerica.org/

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