Points To Ponder

Points: Points To Ponder

When I was your age . .

When I was your age . . .

Old Soldier: When I was your age, I defeated the Nazis in Holland. Punk: On XBOX or PlayStation?

Walter Cronkite receives World Federalist Association award

Walter Cronkite accepts the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the World Federalist Association (World Federalist Movement). Hillary Clinton also makes an appearance in...

There’s No Argument Over the Choice Between Peace and War

"Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way you can...
Allie Beth Stuckey

Video Playlist: Allie Beth Stuckey Skits

Allie Beth Stuckey skits satirize politicians, the media and trends in popular culture. No topic is too controversial, no politician to high and mighty,...
Confiscated Guns

Seventy-Two Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation in Boston!

Saturday, July 06, 2013 ~ Boston – National Guard units seeking gun confiscation of a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by...
Ben Shapiro Show Podcast

The Media Militarize on Behalf of Joe Biden

He ran a lackluster garbage campaign and he’s a lackluster garbage candidate, everybody knows it. The only reason he won, if he indeed...
Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell on Being A Political Leftist

"One of the bittersweet things about growing old is realizing how mistaken you were when you were young. As a young political leftist, I...
Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams, A State of the Rights of the Colonists, 1772

‎Let us consider, brethren, we are struggling for our best birthrights and inheritance, which being infringed, renders all our blessings precarious in their enjoyments,...
Shaun King of Black Lives Matter

Shaun King: White Jesus should come down. Tear them down.

Shaun King of Black Lives Matter tweeted the following: Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come...

Nancy Pelosi shows her true colors

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi joins Bill Maher and shows her true colors while discussing the impeachment of President Trump and her plan for Democrats to take back the White House.

Plato on Apathy Towards Public Affairs

The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. ~ Plato
Twitter and the CCP

I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me

I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me. I don't support defunding the police, socialism or tax hikes. I'm bringing a...