Thought Spot

Points: Thought Spot

America’s Powerful Intellectual Class Finds ‘Joy in Making Us Obey and Be Compliant,’ Warns...

America’s intellectual class has been given so much power by public that their misuse of such power is threatening fundamental freedom of speech in the country.

One Final Salute

These newly commissioned officers’ commitment to serve stands out in a nation where only 9% of those eligible to serve do. They carry the hope of a nation.
The Concept Series: Concept Notwithstanding

THE CONCEPT SERIES: Concept Notwithstanding II – None Surrender Primal Ownership

The Concept series establishes a cordon of doubt around firmly stated, but subjectively held, principles of truth and democratic belief, albeit used to govern our politics and personal beliefs.
Half of US Banks Are Underwater

Chart of the Day: Half of US Banks Are Underwater

The twin crashes in US commercial real estate, and the US bond market have collided with $9 trillion in uninsured deposits in the American banking system.

Today’s Must Watch: Don’t Do That !

People are placing coins on military graves and when you learn why you'll pull out your change and you won't touch the coins that are sitting on the headstones.
The Victim Cult By Mark Milke

Sunday Thoughts: “Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted” – Grievance Culture and Fake Victims...

Why are so many in Western culture identifying as victims? And why are others eager to feed into this grievance mentality by reinforcing it with virtue signaling?
Largest Open Pit Mine

Chart of the Day: Why the Dream of a New Green Energy Revolution Will...

Regardless of views on climate science, is the new green energy transition a practical reality when faced with physical abilities to mine the minerals required?
NYC Cop Copes As Social Justice Warrior Crosses The Line

Today’s Must Watch: NYC Cop Copes As Social Justice Warrior Crosses The Line

YOU get in my personal space and verbally threaten me I am assuming you are a physical threat. I then will remove the threat...
Cute Bunny

Today’s Must Watch: Get Ready To Smile Ear to Ear – You Need It!

Let’s face it – we could all use a moment where our heart softens and our child-like nature bubbles up into a huge smile across our faces. Here is that moment.
Watching TV in the 1950's

Chart of the Day: Where Have All the TV Viewers Gone?

The number of options for the potential average TV viewer is vast - both in program choice and other entertainment venues, but TV viewership is still in decline.
Silicon Valley Bank

Chart of the Day: Is there a Link Between the Silicon Valley Bank Failure...

The US banking system is suffering its worst crisis since 2020. Silicon Valley Bank, aka SIVB, is the 18th largest bank in the US, with $212...
It’s Not Easy to be a Boss Babe

Chart of the Day: It’s Not Easy to be a Boss Babe

Today’s society has rejected historical traditional male and female roles as norms. Women increasingly don’t exist, and modern society can’t even define a woman.