
Immigration on includes information about immigration policy and immigration news in the United States.

Ulterior Political Motive Behind Biden's Open Border

Sen. Kennedy Suggests Ulterior Motive Behind Border Crisis While Questioning Mayorkas

Illegal immigrants affect electoral college votes and congressional district reapportionment, the senator charged. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested on April 10 that the Biden administration...

Democrats Ask Biden to Declare Emergency as Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC

Elected officials in NY City sent letter to Biden addressing illegal immigrants, asking to declare federal state of emergency so illegals can legally work in country.

Rep. August Pfluger on Border Crossings and Enough Fentanyl To Kill Every Person in...

On October 26, 2021, Rep. August Pfluger posted on Twitter: "Over 1.7 million illegal immigrants were apprehended crossing the southwest border this year—the highest...
Mass Migration

Cruz Introduces Stop the Surge Act to Hold Biden and Dem Colleagues Accountable for...

‘If Washington Democrats had to endure even a fraction of the suffering South Texas families, farmers, ranchers, and small businesses have had to face,...
ICE Agent

41 Percent of Illegal Immigrant Group Biden Admin Released Into US Never Showed Up...

CE has yet to issue court summons for 82% of illegal immigrants allowed into U.S. after federal court ordered halt on Biden admin immigration parole program.

Biden Admin Launches New Immigration Pathway for People From Central America, Colombia

The DHS on July 7 announced it’s implementing “new family reunification parole (FRP) processes” for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
What is DACA

Obama: DACA Illegal Aliens Deserve Amnesty During Coronavirus Crisis

Obama says its time, during coronavirus crisis, to provide amnesty to 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for DACA.
Ken Paxton on War Room

Biden’s Disastrous ‘Central American Minors’ Program

Host Steve Bannon talks to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton about the invasion on the southern border. In a blockbuster revelation that will be...

Supreme Court May Consider Reviving Immigrant Self-Sufficiency Rule

This week, the Supreme Court will consider whether it will hear a request from 13 states to be allowed to defend in court a...

Number of Chinese Illegally Crossing US-Mexico Border Surges 500 Percent in San Diego Sector

The San Diego Sector has seen a more than 500 percent jump in the number of Chinese nationals entering the United States illegally, prompting security concerns.

FBI luminaries starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous’

“In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,” the FBI executives wrote in letter to congressional leadership
Hondurans Prepare to Cross Rio Grande

Court to Block Biden Administration From Ending Title 42 Border Order

A federal judge is set to block Biden administration from ending emergency order that is helping officials control the U.S.–Mexico border.