Points To Ponder

Points: Points To Ponder

Benjamin Franklin

Safe and Secure?

"He that's secure is not safe." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That

President Obama on Business Success

"If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. . . . I’m always struck by people who think: ‘Wow, it must be because I was just so smart.

‘The Five’ reacts to CNN panel mocking Trump supporters

Trump hits back after ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson mocks the 'credulous boomer rube demo' that supports the president; reaction on 'The Five.'
The New York Times

Why Fact Checking Is A Joke

As soon as President Donald Trump’s speech ended, the liberal talking points were spewing on the cable news networks disguised as “fact checking.” Armed...

Impeachment 101

The impeachment process was not created to be used as a partisan political weapon but to punish serious misbehavior. Impeachment is not a criminal...

What Is Impeachment? (And How Does It Work?)

You're hearing a lot about impeachment in the news, but what is impeachment and how does the process work? Will Witt breaks it down.

President Donald Trump: The Best is Yet to Come

"I am here as your President to proclaim before the country and before the world: This monument will never be desecrated, these heroes will...

Devin Nunes warns Democrats may be concocting new Trump hoax

Despite President Trump's acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaves the door open for concocting new Trump hoax more investigations;...

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke – You Have A Duty To Protect Your Family

Older PSA from Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office with Sheriff David Clarke. It is YOUR duty to protect yourself and your family from those who wish...
Twitter and the CCP

No one will be SAFE in Joe Biden’s America!

Joe Biden and the Radical Left want to Abolish Police, Abolish ICE, Abolish Bail, Abolish Suburbs, Abolish the 2nd Amendment – and Abolish the...
Warren Buffett Quote

Warren Buffett on Planning

Predicting rain doesn't count. Building arks does. Warren Buffett https://observer.com/2015/08/warren-buffett-on-wobbly-market-predicting-rain-doesnt-count-building-arks-does/

Jen Psaki says “Even those of of us who have affection for Vice President...

Wow Tucker just aired this old clip from October 2019 of Jen Psaki, Biden's pick for Press Sec: "There have been a number of...