Americans Leaving Cities Destroyed By

Democrats control nation’s largest cities resulting in high crime rates, blight, failing public educational systems, rampant poverty, and an homelessness.

Bill O’Reilly Gets Tucker Carlson’s Firing All Wrong

O’Reilly is one of the good guys but is in that class of people who remain in deep denial about what has happened and is continuing to happen to his country.

Defund Disney

My great friend and co-author Nicky Billou and I recently released our first book together, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book: The Priceless...
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Documents

Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers

What really happened in the first 90 days of the jab rollout? How many adverse events and different health problems? How many deaths? The...

Leaked Documents Reveal Proposal by Daszak’s Organization for Developing COVID-Like Viruses

Whistleblower document reveals 2018 funding proposal that detailed risky gain-of-function experiments on coronaviruses New documents detail how Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology were planning...

California Is Burning: Inside The Collapse Of The Golden State

California is burning. The fire is one that has torched other nations down to embers, and leaves a path of destruction and devastation. It...

How This Pandemic Exposes The Truth About Gun Control

Right now American is in the early stages of a pandemic. Tensions are rising, people are running for the store stocking up on food...

Glenn Greenwald: “Edward Snowden and the Secrets of the National Security State”

Glenn Greenwald, best known for his series in "The Guardian" detailing classified information about global surveillance programs based on top-secret documents provided by Edward...

Cashless Society and the End of Freedom

Cashless society seems like an inevitable progression into an easier, faster and more convenient future. But this comes at a huge of cost of...

Hungarian Prime Minister Warns the West Against a Communist Takeover

Viktor Orban, Hungarian prime minister, told conservatives at CPAC Texas that his country defeated communism—and America must do the same.

Biden, Bonds, and Bank Failures

The present soaring inflation/interest rates plus a troubled growth trajectory produces untold pain throughout the economy, including new risks for the banking sector.