Why There's a Stupidity Epidemic in Washington DC!

Temper Tantrum Foreign Policy

In the visitor’s gallery Russian agents Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale are eavesdropping, deciding whether to use their secret “Goof Gas” to turn the...
Political Prisoner Navarro “TOO NOTORIOUS” to be Interviewed???

Breaking: Peter Navarro Pens an Op-ed From Federal Prison

Failure of Bureau of Prisons to implement federal laws mandating sentence reductions costs taxpayers billions, increases recidivism risk, crime rate and misery.
Capitalism vs. Socialism | 5 Minute Video

Why Communism and Socialism Fail

It's a searing indictment of American higher education that students are ignorant of destruction wrought by communism and socialism so they advocate for Marxism.

Beware the Quotation Marks

Economics should attempt to reconcile economic efficiency, social justice, and individual liberty, without sacrificing one for the other.

This House Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy

Winston Marshall argues that populism is not a threat democracy, but rather is democracy itself Winston Marshall speaks in opposition of the motion that This...
The Election Industrial Complex - higher Ground labs

Breaking Exclusive: The Left’s Election Industrial Complex Discovered And Defined

Conservatives argue over early voting while the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting and managing entities operating clandestinely behind US elections.

Carlson and O’Keefe Expose a Very Corrupt CIA!

James O’Keefe, founder O’Keefe Media Group, got an undercover journalists to get a CIA agent to spill his guts on camera exposing CIA's thoughts about Trump.
35 Senators urge Biden to not accept Palestinian refugees | Morning in America

Why Biden’s Gaza refugee plan is a hard hell no

As Biden considers bringing Gaza refugees into U.S., remember how Israeli citizens sponsored work permits for security-vetted Palestinian who helped with Oct 7.
Biden vs. Trump: Responding to Antisemitism

Biden sacrificing Israel for votes

Concerned he will lose the election, Biden’s team convinced him to turn his back on Israel and satisfy anti-Israel, anti-American protesters and constituents.

Is the End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders Threat of Annihilation

For his book, Victor Davis Hanson tackled a topic related to his work on military history. It’s called “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.”
EXPECT BANK RUNS: HUNDREDS of US Banks WILL FAIL and Face Bank Deposit Runs Soon

Are Predicted Bank Failures in Bidenomics?

Porticoes Capital analysis is saying almost 300 regional banks are to fail. Sizes of banks predicted to fail are between $5 billion to $75 billion in assets.
Biden Says He’ll Debate Trump

Corn popped

Everyone but Biden knows he cannot be allowed to debate Trump. Biden’s cognitive challenges will be on full display. Even the teleprompter can confound him.