Musa Ismail Obama Interview

Interview with Musa Ismail Obama – Barak Obama’s Cousin

These videos are from an interview with Musa Ismail Obama, Barak Obama's Cousin. The interview was done by Al-Jazeera. The interview is about the...
Tell It Like It Is Button

Tells It Like It Is!!!

To the people who fly private but lecture us about the environment. To the people who live in gated communities but lecture us about...

Former Cop Brandon Tatum Delivers INCREDIBLE Response To Virtue Signaling, Riots, and Black on...

Brandon Tatum, a former Tuscon police officer, delivered an incredible response to virtue signaling, riots, and Black on Black Murder in the current situation...
Flag of Israel

I will bless those who bless you . . .

I will bless those who bless you (Israel), And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of...

Jen Psaki says “Even those of of us who have affection for Vice President...

Wow Tucker just aired this old clip from October 2019 of Jen Psaki, Biden's pick for Press Sec: "There have been a number of...

Democrats: Let’s Ban Profits!

Posing as an anti-business crusader, Peter Schiff found a number of DNC delegates and attendees who support explicitly outlawing profitability. We deliberately avoided speaking...

The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life

Make an Impact: Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech on how his father's teachings have guided him through the most troubling times of his...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweeters

Expand* The Court Says AOC and Dems

"Expand the court," says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. If the Democrats get control of the Senate and the White House, and retain the House of Representatives...
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan

Insight From Hellen Keller

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”~ Hellen Keller About Helen Keller Helen Keller was just 19 months old in...

Is Twitter really “without barriers”?

"The mission we serve as Twitter, Inc. is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers. Our...
Richard Rorty

Evangelical Atheism

We secular professors in the university should “arrange things so that students who enter as bigoted, homophobic, religious fundamentalists will leave college with views...
Confiscated Guns

Seventy-Two Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation in Boston!

Saturday, July 06, 2013 ~ Boston – National Guard units seeking gun confiscation of a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by...