Theodore Roosevelt

Man in the Arena – Teddy Roosevelt

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds...
Your World with Neil Cavuto

November jobs report shows 266K new jobs added

November jobs report shows that 266K new jobs were added and the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.5 percent. WOW!!! Watch the latest video at...

Comedian Dennis Miller reacts to Robert De Niro and No Safe Spaces

Comedian Dennis Miller reacts to actor Robert De Niro’s comments during a commencement ceremony and Adam Carolla’s ‘No Safe Spaces’ movie.
Richard Rorty

Evangelical Atheism

We secular professors in the university should “arrange things so that students who enter as bigoted, homophobic, religious fundamentalists will leave college with views...

Melania Trump: A First Lady double standard?

Laura Ingraham discusses how their is a first lady double standard in the media. The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a...
Real Talk from the Whiskey Wall - Stuff Bosses Want To Say To Millennials

Real Talk from the Whiskey Wall – Stuff Bosses Want To Say To Millennials

It's what every boss -- scratch that -- every American wants to say to lazy, entitled people. So I'll say it for you. CEO...
Chinese Flag

China’s Economic Growth Has Slumped To Its Lowest Level In Nearly Three Decades!

China's economic growth has slumped to its lowest level in nearly three decades as the world's second largest economy feels the effects of a...
Dilbert takes on climate Change

Dilbert takes on climate change

In Scott Adams cartoon on Sunday Dilbert takes on climate change. Why climate change scientist Michael Mann would expect Dilbert to be anything but...

Nazis: Left or Right Wing?

As you may have noticed over the years Italian Fascists and German Nazis are usually labeled “right wing” in school text books, documentaries, and...
Twitter and the CCP

Dan Crenshaw on Don Lemon’s Rant against Trump Voters

CNN's @DonLemon: If you voted for Trump, you're with the Klan & the Capitol Hill rioters Dan Crenshaw's Tweet: This was always their intent. It’s...