MAGA supporters have raised $2 million for a jailed Marine. But the officer says...

The MAGA community has raised more than $2 million for a Marine officer who went viral for criticizing the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and...
FOX Business

Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or...

A petition circulating in the Harvard University student body seeks to ban Trump administration officials from teaching, speaking, or attending the institution because of their association with the president. The...
A Political Spoof: The Curious Case of Re-Appearing Classified Documents

A Political Spoof: The Curious Case of Re-Appearing Classified Documents

In early January, CBS News reported that a set of classified documents was found at Biden Center for Diplomacy, also known as a Joe Biden “think tank.”  When this discovery was made public, Democrat Hank Johnson had this to say:

Intersectionality: Disney Writer vs. Ben Shapiro

Wow. You have to hear what this painfully-woke Disney writer has to say to white women. 🙄 Ben Shapiro lights it up about Intersectionality....
The Western Journal

Biden Spokesman Calls for Further Censorship of Trump and His Supporters

A Biden campaign staffer called for further censorship online, claiming Facebook is “shredding the fabric of our democracy” in the days after the election. Bill...

John Kerry criticized the Vietnam War in testimony before Senate Panel in 1971

On April 22, 1971 John Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he criticized the Vietnam War. Mr. Kerry: I would like...
Twitter and the CCP

How much did the terrorist rulers of Iran pay John Brennan for his disgusting...

How much did the terrorist rulers of Iran pay John Brennan for his disgusting tweet about waiting for the return of "responsible American leadership...
Cambridge United Football Club

Cambridge United Football Club bans Non-Woke fans and demands re-education before re-entry

Cambridge United Football Club can confirm it has taken action with respect to a very small number of fans after the Colchester United game...

Brett Tolman blasts ‘activist’ judge for delaying Flynn case

Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman sounds off on 'Fox & Friends' after Judge Emmet Sullivan delays a ruling in dismissing the Michael Flynn case...

Krystal and Saagar: Biden literally INCOMPREHENSIBLE live on CNN

Conservative commentator, Saagar Enjetilook and progressive commentator, Krystal Ball look at a cringe worthy Joe Biden interview on CNN with Sanjay Gupta and Anderson...
IBM Watson

Tomorrow’s AI Will Reason Like Humans, IBM Watson Developer Predicts

David Nahamoo says machines will grok us David Nahamoo is an expert in speech and language technologies. He spent almost 35 years at IBM Research in Yorktown...

AOC’s push to defund Trump’s ‘Opportunity Zones’ is a big mistake: White House White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Director Scott Turner reacts to AOC's push to defund Trump's 'opportunity zones' explaining that it would be...