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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

The Puppeteers: The People Who Control the People Who Control America By Jason Chaffetz

The Puppeteers: The People Who Control the People Who Control America

Leftists bypass the legislative process compelling institutional compliance with partisan goals, so elections can't save us, Chaffetz reveals in The Puppeteers.
Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House By Charlie Spiering

Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House

The ultimate, comprehensive investigation into the life and career of VP Kamala Harris from Breitbart News political reporter Charlie Spiering.
Bellwether Blues: A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul By Jonathan Jakubowski

Bellwether Blues: A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul

In an era where the political world is ablaze with hatred, Bellwether Blues encourages conservatives to rethink their approach to reaching the millennial generation.

Grid Down, Power Up Documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kJ_SofFm0g Dennis Quaid hosts an alarming look into the potential of life without power. A dynamic legion of energy, economic, national security, and infrastructure experts...
Defending the Constitution By Robert A. Green Jr.

Defending the Constitution behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Hope for Those Who Love...

Defending the Constitution is an explosive, tell-all book, detailing the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and resistance by service members who could not go along.
During School Hours by Joel Penton

During School Hours: WHY and HOW LifeWise Academy is Reinstalling Religious Education into the...

During School Hours: WHY and HOW LifeWise Academy is Reinstalling Religious Education into the Public School Day
Why I Stand By Jonathan Issac

Why I Stand

In his book, Why I Stand, Jonathan Isaac shares how—by following Christ—his fear and insecurity-driven life was transformed into one of confidence and purpose.
Dalan the Duck By Don R. Melanson

Dalan the Duck

Others tell Dalan the Duck that he can be a goose, but he was created to be a duck, and his joy comes from seeing himself as God created him to be.