Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien on the Power of Fiction and Christianity

C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien on the Power of Fiction and Christianity

Tim Keller discusses J.R.R. Tolkien's view of the power of fiction and Christianity and Tolkien's impact on the beliefs of his atheist friend, C.S....

Google Engineer Warns About ‘Sentient’ Behavior of Company’s AI, Gets Suspended

A Google engineer suspended after raising concerns about AI program he and a collaborator are testing, which behaves like a human “child.”
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen On Recent Twitter Ban After Exposing Boston Children’s Hospital

Joe Allen talks about his ban from Twitter for posting about the Boston Children’s Hospital gender-twisting surgery for children.

I’m 17. And I’m Immunized from Woke Politics.

I’m a first generation, 17-year-old Black American who grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant, the Brooklyn neighborhood made famous by Jay-Z. Given that brief biography, perhaps you’d...
Whores of the Techno-Apocalypse

NPR: Whores of the Techno-Apocalypse

National Public Radio is designed to put you to bed. Never trust a harlot. “Belief in salvation was once the province of religion,” Brooke Gladstone...
Sanctity Of Life

Video Playlist: Sanctity Of Life

Focus on the Family shares life, taking a pro-life stand in an abortion dominated world, with commercials and real life stories of women and...

China Pursues ‘Brain Control’ Weaponry in Bid to Command Future of Warfare

Launching assaults on the battlefield with a mere thought. Enhancing the human brain to create “super warriors.” Disrupting the minds of enemies to make...
Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Timothy Leary put his stamp on cyber culture long before the Internet went live in the 90’s. His landmark essay Digital Polytheism: Load and Run...

Testifying about Jesus to the UN General Assembly – Lee Stoneking Miracle

Rev. Lee Stoneking addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York City, giving his testimony on how Jesus raised him from...
The American Family

The Alarming Fertility Decline Among American Catholic Women

The birth rate in America is now lower than at any time in over 100 years. Both national and worldwide declines are expected to continue.

Andrea Bocelli Brings a Message of Love – Music For Hope Live from Duomo...

On Easter Sunday (April 12, 2020), by invitation of the City and of the Duomo cathedral of Milan, Italian global music icon Andrea Bocelli...
Joe Allen on War Room

Joe Allen: The Anti-Human Paradigm

Joe Allen, transhumanism editor for “War Room,” talks about World Economic Forum’s agenda to give robots and AI more control over human life.