
Transhumanism is the concept of achieving eternal life through advanced technology that provides super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing.

Artificial Intelligence is an “Alien Mind” Transforming The Human Race

Artificial Intelligence is an “Alien Mind” Transforming The Human Race

Two new books offer a single choice: merge with machines or be left behind Artificial intelligence operates on a different plane than human reason. As...

Calculations Suggest It’ll Be Impossible to Control a Super-Intelligent AI

The idea of artificial intelligence overthrowing humankind has been talked about for many decades, and in January 2021, scientists delivered their verdict on whether we'd be able...
Joe Allen on War Room

Is The Devil In The Computer?

Transhumanism expert Joe Allen talks to Steve Bannon about a new article in the New York Times called “Space Pagans and Smartphone Witches: Where...
Joe Allen About Transhumanism 101 on War Room

Special Edition: Transhumanism 101

Steve Bannon and Joe Allen put together a special edition of “War Room” dedicated to a thorough discussion of how transhumanism is working to...
Human Forever By James Poulos

In ‘Human Forever,’ James Poulos Declares War On The Digital Age

The editor of The American Mind has declared war. If his new book doesn’t shake you awake, you were meant to be a machine. The...
Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Timothy Leary put his stamp on cyber culture long before the Internet went live in the 90’s. His landmark essay Digital Polytheism: Load and Run...

Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce

AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine (BURLINGTON, Vermont) – To persist, life must reproduce. Over billions of years, organisms...

Direct Connection Between Transhumanism And Transgenderism

During the special edition of “War Room” on transhumanism, Joe Allen and Steve Bannon talk about how transhumanism encourages transgenderism. In a video at...
Joe Allen on War Room

Transhumanism And Virtual Reality Are A Dangerous Duo

Steve Bannon talks to “War Room” contributing editor Joe Allen about his new reporting on “The Transhuman Roots of the Metaverse.”  The segment begins with Ray...

The Transhuman Roots of the Metaverse

The Metaverse will allow people to be anyone—any gender, any race, any species. Virtual bodies put the “trans” in transhumanist. As the name implies, the...
The Metaverse

The Metaverse: Heaven for Soy Boys, Hell on Earth for Us

The Metaverse was born of occult dreams. It will keep growing until the power is cut. You don’t need physical strength to master virtual reality....

We’re Heading Toward A Convergence

In these two clips, host Steve Bannon and editor Joe Allen explain the importance of transhumanism at the beginning of a special edition of...