Rep. Cammack: Advances in Science Emphasize Need for Supreme Court to Rule Against Roe...

The advances in science and medicine since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade show why justices should overturn it, Rep. Kat...

FBI Probing Attacks Against Pregnancy Clinics, Faith-Based Organizations

The FBI says it is investigating the over two dozen attacks against pregnancy clinics and groups linked to the pro-life movement. “The FBI is investigating a series...

Pro-Life Texas Insurance Company Pledges to Cover Child Birth Expenses

As nation’s employers vow to pay employees to travel for abortions, an insurance company in TX will cover employees’ expenses to have a child.
Life Liberty & Levin | Fox News

Mark Levin calls Supreme Court leak a ‘grave assault,’ warns American institutions will collapse

Mark Levin slammed person behind leak of Supreme Court draft opinion on a case that could potentially overturn 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade.

Cosmopolitan magazine shares steps for how to have a ‘Satanic Abortion Ceremony’

The ritual as described is concluded by declaring, 'By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done' Cosmopolitan, a popular magazine for young...
Texas Heartbeat Act

Supreme Court Denies Bid to Block Texas Abortion Law

The Supreme Court on Wednesday denied a bid to stop Texas from banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, allowing one of the most restrictive abortion bans in...

Georgia Supreme Court Reinstates 6-Week Abortion Ban, Putting Earlier Order on Hold

Georgia Supreme Court reinstates ban on abortions after six weeks into a pregnancy. The move temporarily ends access to later abortions ruled by a state judge.
Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine

‘Just the beginning’: After Texas victory, anti-abortion rights activists could extend gains

An article at NBC News is typical of the fearful response of the mainstream media over the success of the new Texas Heartbeat Act abortion law. 'Just...

What You Need to Know About the Texas Heartbeat Act

Starting September 1, 2021, the Texas Heartbeat Act will protect every preborn baby in Texas whose heartbeat is detectable! Here is everything you need...

Pro-Abort Leftists Desperately Attempting To Defend The Indefensible

As with every defining precept of the leftist counterculture, the issue of abortion, as they present it, is built entirely on lies.

Texas Doctor Who Performed Abortion in Violation of New Law Writes Op-Ed

A Texas doctor who performed an abortion in violation of a new state law and faces the prospect of a private-action lawsuit for $10,000 published an...

Trump-Endorsed Group Files Abortion Benefit-Related Discrimination Complaint Against Dick’s

AFL wants gov to investigate Dick’s Sporting Goods over reimbursement for abortion, but not for pregnant employee who wants to have her baby.