WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI

According to a long-term World Health Organization insider, Bill Gates’ vaccine alliance, GAVI, is directing the WHO.


Do you love America more than you hate Donald Trump? If your answer is not an immediate and fervent YES, then we have bigger...

How to Prevent Bad Actors from Hijacking Local Boards and Councils

Local politics: Few voters engage until they are on the bubble. "Voicing concerns, debating leaders, and joining groups to listen and discuss local issues is...

Joe Biden Can’t Defend His Own Legitimacy

Biden went to PA to speak about voting rights and embarrassed himself with a pathetic defense of why he deserves to be in the Oval Office.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Biden Cabal Afghanistan Disaster Reeks of Obama

Among the greatest misconceptions of the two terms of Barack Obama was that he was "inept" and "ineffectual" in his office. Such an assessment...
The Dalton School Seal

Dalton Faculty Anti-Racism Proposal

Without new visions we don’t know what to build, only what to knock down. We not only end up confused, rudderless, and cynical, but...
Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

Find Someone Who Loves You As Much As The Left Hates Steve Bannon

Wow, how much do people on the Left, worldwide, hate Steve Bannon? Let’s put it this way, if you’re on the left and you don't...

Deprogramming From the ‘Woke’ Cult: Former Social Justice Warrior Overcomes Fear to Speak Up

Deprogramming from the cult of wokism didn’t happen overnight for Keri Smith, but behavior of friends during 2020 election sped up the process.
Flag Draped Transfer Cases from Kabul Airport Bombing 2021

Flag Officers For America: Department of Defense Accountability

A fundamental principle in the military is holding those in charge responsible and accountable for their actions or inaction. There must be accountability at...
Women's Human Rights Campaign

Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights

Summary The Declaration outlines current international laws and policies on women’s rights and how they are being threatened by organizations that are trying to change...
Bidens Red Sermon September 01 2022

Steve Cortes: Our Response to Biden’s “Red Sermon”

Biden darkly escalates -- because Permanent Washington loses its grip on power. Joe Biden has spent a half century in elected office in Washington DC....
Dr. Martin Kulldorff

Former Harvard Prof. Martin Kulldorff: ‘Science and Public Health Are Broken’

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is one of the most qualified public health pandemic experts in the United States. To the narrative-shapers, he’s a pariah. As a...