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Pastimes on TheThinkingConservative.com includes the compelling and curious, talent, health & safety, holidays, pets social networking, sports, technology and more.

Christmas at the Vice President’s Home

Christmas at the Vice President's home with Karen Pence includes a fun ginger bread house a wonderful nativity scene, a beautiful Christmas tree and...

ISTANBUL – A Virtual Trip to the Heart of Turkey

This walking tour takes you to the best destinations in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. Explore wonderful aerial natural scenes and great historical and...
Halloween Jesus

Halloween Jesus gives bread to homeless

Halloween Jesus Daniel Graham dressed up in a Jesus costume and road a motorized skateboard down the sidewalks in Arizona to hand out bread...
Dahir Insaat

Video Playlist: Dahir Insaat or Dahir Construction

Dahir Insaat is an company that creates futuristic design concepts including concepts for large quadcopters, automation, and prefabrication, and includes road construction, building construction,...

Give Thanks by Don Moen

Songwriter, worship leader and producer Don Moen sings his beautiful worship song "Give Thanks" in a live worship sessions.

San Diego, CA Offers Great Fun For Kids and Adults

San Diego Zoo One of the best zoos in the world is the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California and San Diego is a...

Why Is Everyone on CPAP Machines?

According to the inventor of the CPAP, the machine was never intended to be a lifelong solution, yet the majority of users rely on it night after night.

Best Places to Visit in North America

Best places to visit in North America includes places in Florida, Canada, USA, California, San Francisco and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwiBOYYBMMc&list=PLUSbvZMbeWFq54WrcNXUe3V_rkEnAYKmK Touropia features the most amazing sights around...

5 Reasons to Try Year-Round Homeschooling

Veteran homeschoolers around the world share a well-kept secret that I’m going to let you in on—year-round homeschooling. I know this might sound challenging,...

China Announced MOST DANGEROUS Military SHIP

China's huge navy tilts the balance in the Pacific. The Chinese fleet, which is growing faster than any other large fleet, now controls the...

FRANCE: A Virtual Trip to Paris in Late Autumn

Visit Paris, France and explore the beautiful Capital. Late autumn is one of the most peaceful times of the year to visit Paris. Visit...

Fasting: A Game Changer for Spike Protein Injuries, Potentially Combats Alzheimer’s and Cancer

Numerous doctors treating long COVID and COVID vaccine injuries now suggest fasting as a potential therapy for overall symptom improvement.