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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

‘Unsilenced’: Film Exposing China’s Human Rights Abuses Wins Austin Film Festival Award

A feature film showcasing China’s human rights abuses won the 2021 Audience Award for narrative feature at the 28th annual Austin Film Festival in Texas on Nov....
The Drift By Kevin Hassett

The Drift: Stopping America’s Slide to Socialism

The Drift offers a unique perspective on the pivotal presidency of Donald Trump by Kevin Hassett, who came to the Trump's admin unconnected and unbeholden.
Our Broken Elections

Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote

Behind the deeply contentious 2020 election stands a real story of a broken election process. Election fraud that alters election outcomes and dilutes legitimate...
Rush on the Radio by James Golden

Rush on the Radio: A Tribute from His Friend and Sidekick James Golden, Aka...

Rush on the Radio frames Rush’s legacy truthfully and properly so his stories will not be lost as America needs them now more than ever.

Book Review: ‘Black Eye for America’: An Explanation of Critical Race Theory

At a time when Americans are hearing the term “critical race theory” tossed about, it behooves us to know exactly what it means. The...
In Trump Time By Peter Navarro

In Trump Time: A Journal of Americas Plague Year

IN TRUMP TIME is story of a President who worked for the American people, built strongest economy, delivered vaccines but lost 2020 election.
The Victim Cult By Mark Milke

The Victim Cult: How the Grievance Culture Hurts Everyone and Wrecks Civilizations

The Victim Cult explains how victim cults arise, relentless blame of others, faulty moral reasoning, and misguided identity politics, and the impact on societies.

NTD to Release New Law Enforcement Show: ‘A Good Cop’

NEW YORK, New York—NTD Television is set to release its new law enforcement show “A Good Cop,” a daring new series that dives into...
Vaccine Mandates for Children: Child Abuse?

Webinar: Vaccine Mandates for Children: Child Abuse?

A Stop Vax Passports Task Force Webinar: 3 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, November 3 On October 25, an FDA Advisory Panel endorsed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children...

Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World

In March 2020, liberal democracy ground to a sudden stop. Like the Reichstag Fire of 1933, historians may never know how SARS-CoV-2 came about. For...
A Crime Against Humanity By James Ostrowski

A Crime Against Humanity: Essays Against the Lockdown

In a series of bold essays, James Ostrowski, an early and vociferous opponent of the Lockdown, makes the case for the Lockdown as a...
The Cure for Alcoholism By Roy Eskapa

The Cure for Alcoholism: The Medically Proven Way to Eliminate Alcohol Addiction

The Cure for Alcoholism delivers what millions of alcoholics have been hoping for, a painless, dignified, and medically proven cure for their addiction.