One Final Salute

These newly commissioned officers’ commitment to serve stands out in a nation where only 9% of those eligible to serve do. They carry the hope of a nation.

PART 1: Maajid Nawaz: The Levers of Ideological Warfare—From Islamist Extremism to Covidian Dogma

“I was anti-democracy. I was an Islamist revolutionary that wanted to establish a caliphate. And I was imprisoned in Egypt and sentenced to five...

Uncommon Knowledge: The Madness of Crowds and the death of Europe with Douglas Murray

In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson is joined by author and columnist Douglas Murray to discuss his new book The Madness of...

Countering Freedom’s Biggest Threat

China expert Dr. Michael Pillsbury discusses the threat posed by the CCP and the new Cold War that China initiated while American leaders remained complacent.  

Sharyl Attkisson: Dangers of Third-Party “Fact-Checkers”; How Propaganda Replaced Journalism

“That’s what the propagandists know… If the same thing is said over and over again, regardless of how untrue it is, it ultimately sinks...
The Job Interview

Chart of the Day: First Employment Numbers, Now Job Opening Numbers Are Suspect –...

So is all well in the jobs market? Well, not so fast. Remember how the Biden administration has been gaming the job numbers
Obama teaching at Chicago Law

Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended Any of the Faculty Meetings

Highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law on Obama, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, and never attended any of the faculty meetings.”
Environmental Protection Agency

Supreme Court Ends EPA’s Climate Change Reign of Terror

Supreme Court ends EPA’s right to impose climate change regulations without congressional authorization, applying Major Questions Doctrine.

Chart of the Day: Bird Flu Sends Egg Prices to Record Levels

Colorado (KJCT) – On September 21, the National Veterinary Services Laboratory confirmed a new detection of bird flu in a commercial egg-laying facility in...
Bill of Rights Article 1

Exceptions to Freedom of Speech in America

An article in the Saturday Evening Post discusses the First Amendment to the Constitution which states, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom...

AJ+ Is Al Jazeera

There's a social media site whose glitzy videos populate your newsfeed. Its content overflows with typical leftist tropes. No, it's not CNN or MSNBC....
Stop The Active Shooter

Active Shooter Incidents Can Be Stopped Before They Begin

Instead of concentrating on circumstances leading to an Active Shooter Incident (ASI), proactive policing can prevent an ASI from occurring.