New 2023 Tax Laws

Chart of the Day: Americans Get Ready – Changes in 2023 Taxes

Democrats claimed Inflation Reduction Act would help ordinary Americans, but people making less than $400,000 a year could pay $20 billion of new tax revenue.
Declaration of Independence

The Founders’ Vision for American Independence

Founding Fathers used the term “independence" for national independence and to recognize and promote political and economic independence of the American people.

Jordan B. Peterson interviewed by Fredrik Skavlan

Watch psychologist and professor Jordan B. Peterson interviewed by Fredrik Skavlan with Swedish politician Annie Lööf and Norwegian author Erlend Loe. The show's presenter...
Obama teaching at Chicago Law

Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended Any of the Faculty Meetings

Highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law on Obama, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, and never attended any of the faculty meetings.”

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

Identified as one of the ten most important people in the media that nobody's ever met, Andrew Breitbart details why leftward-leaning Hollywood is dangerous...
Colby Hall

Impeachment is a Gravely Sober Affair . . .

Impeachment proceedings on a sitting U. S. President is a gravely sober affair, and not the time for barely-hidden smiles and swallowed guffaws. The...
Revolver News

The Law is Clear: If An Election is Stolen, State Legislatures Can Restore The...

President Trump and his team are under a relentless media blitz campaign which has only one goal: Pressuring the president to concede the election...
Giving Tuesday

Chart of the Day: Inflation Takes A Bite Out of “Giving Tuesday”

Giving Tuesday has inspired millions to donate in support of charities and nonprofits. Donations have decreased with rising consumer costs and economic uncertainty.
Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade

On the Tragic Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

By Hans Von Spakovsky ~ With the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, many are reflecting on the consequences legally, morally,...

What does it mean to be have an originalist view of interpreting the Constitution...

Ever wondered what it means to be an originalist or wondered what the best justifications are for this approach to interpreting the Constitution?
Homeless in California

Chart of the Day: California and New York City Lead the Nation in Homelessness

There are shabby tent encampments in city parks, along streets, and beneath overpasses. America’s homelessness scourge is huge and shows few signs of getting better.
Coercion and COVID-19

Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance and COVID-19

Biderman Report created by Dr. Alfred D. Biderman M.A., or to give it the full citation: Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance. Presented...