
Transhumanism is the concept of achieving eternal life through advanced technology that provides super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing.

Joe Allen About Transhumanism 101 on War Room

Special Edition: Transhumanism 101

Steve Bannon and Joe Allen put together a special edition of “War Room” dedicated to a thorough discussion of how transhumanism is working to...

The Metaverse Is Already A Cesspool Of Perversion

VR seems like a place to play games or hold meetings, but the Metaverse is a playground for demented desires, from sadism to pedophilia.
Joe Allen on War Room

Vatican Trying To Normalize Transhumanism

The War Room’s resident expert on trans-humanism, Joe Allen, reveals how the Vatican is putting its imprimatur (official approval) on the technocratic movement that...
Bezosian Transcendence Expressed in Fruedian Phallic Symbols

Jeff Bezos and the New Pharaohs

Two days ago, MIT’s Technology Review reported that Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner just founded a new immortality startup: Altos Labs in Silicon Valley. Their mission is...

Mark Zuckerberg Is Planting The First Church Of The Metaverse

Virtual idols are the future of false religion. With 3 billion users and zero sense of sacred boundaries, Facebook is poised to lead this...

Direct Connection Between Transhumanism And Transgenderism

During the special edition of “War Room” on transhumanism, Joe Allen and Steve Bannon talk about how transhumanism encourages transgenderism. In a video at...
Human Brain Chip

Elon Musk Is A Cyborg Trojan Horse

In his computer simulation, legacy humans barely exist Imagine a lefty billionaire telling you the greatest threat to humanity is artificial general intelligence. This out-of-control...
Human Forever By James Poulos

In ‘Human Forever,’ James Poulos Declares War On The Digital Age

The editor of The American Mind has declared war. If his new book doesn’t shake you awake, you were meant to be a machine. The...
Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Digital Polytheism and the Techno-Cult

Timothy Leary put his stamp on cyber culture long before the Internet went live in the 90’s. His landmark essay Digital Polytheism: Load and Run...
Chipped Hands, Chipped Heads – The Dark Future of Bio-Implants

Chipped Hands, Chipped Heads – The Dark Future of Bio-Implants

Elon Musk doesn’t just want to heal the sick by jabbing chips in their skulls. His biggest bet is on enhancing the human race. “To...
Synthetic Salvation

Synthetic Salvation — On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality

People die, but transhumanism offers synthetic salvation through 3 basic methods, bio longevity, bionic continuity, and digital immortality.
Joe Allen on War Room

Joe Allen: The First Wave of Personal Home Robots

Transhumanism editor Joe Allen is back from special assignment and ready to resume his analysis of the assault of Big Tech on Western Civilization....